Search Searching and Search-Syntax Standard Search During a simple or standard search, one or more terms divided by spaces are entered. Here, the space stands for an «or». Search results for multiple words therefore include at least one of those terms. For this reason you will get all entries including «house», «excavator» or «plant», when entering the search «house excavator plant», even when only one of the words is included in the entry. Search with an Operator An operator can define certain conditions, to make a search more specific. The operators «OR», «AND», «+», «-», «NOT», «(», «[» also appear in the list of suggestions and can be selected there. If the search results shall contain all three words «house excavator plant», they should be connected in the searchbar via the operator «AND»: «house AND excavator AND plant». It is also possible to combine arbitrarily complex parenthetical expressions with «OR», «AND» and «NOT», for example: «(value1 OR NOT (value2 AND value3) )». Every opening bracket must be followed by a closing bracket. Complex parenthetical expressions can be used as values for fields, for example: «field1: (value1 OR NOT (value2 AND value3) )». Search for Field Values The implicit «or» can also be used on the level of criteria for a field name, for example «field1:(value1 value2 value3)», which means that field1 is either value1, value2 or value3. If you want to search for field values which contain spaces, the value has to be in quotation marks, for example «field1: "value with spaces"» or just «"value with spaces"». If you want to search for field values which contain quotation marks, a backslash «\» before the quotation mark is necessary. The backslash is also always necessary when another functionality has been defined already (like «*» or «(» or «?»). List of Suggestions When entering a search term, a list of matching suggestions opens. The text up to the previous space is taken and used as a filter for the suggestion list to thin it out. During this process entries are kept either when the text is present in the replaced text (capitalized and lowercase letters, as well as diacritical marks (for example: ê, æ, á) will not be taken into account) or in the description set in brackets behind it. This means you can enter «number» in the process list and receive entries like «operationNumber: (Operation number)», but not «status: (Status)». When you choose an entry with «Operation number», the text «Operation number» will be replaced by «operationNumber:». If the cursor is in a place where it is clear from context, that it is a field value position for a specific field, suggestions for possible field values will be shown, if available and implemented. This especially affects fields with a limited number of field values, like the status. This also works with the previously mentioned notation «field: (<Cursor>». Interval Search It is also possible to search for an interval for a field. With this, you search for values for a field which are at least the lexicographic initial value and at most the final value. Date values can also be searched for by using this technique as they are saved in a way where the lexicographic order corresponds with the temporal order. «field: [A TO N]» searches for entries, in which the field «field» contains words, which lexicographically lie between A and N. Which means «Created» is included, but not «New» as «New» comes after «N». To start an interval search which excludes the stated words/letters/times, «{» and «}» are used. «field: {firstName TO lastName}» searches for fields which lexicographically lie between the stated fields, but excludes them. If you want to thin out fields, which have date values or a time saved, interval searches are almost always needed. The suggestions for this are sorted in a way where the syntaxes for intervals («[» starts an interval) are sorted closer to the bottom of the list, than the suggestions for values (like «NOW-7DAYS/DAY»). To search for entries in which a date field is between the present day, and the next 7 days, it has to be written like this: «datefield: [NOW/DAY TO NOW+8DAYS/DAY]». Important here is the number 8 instead of 7, because it includes the first value, which is no longer wanted but is still selected here. Search with Placeholders Use of «*» as a replacement for one or more character/s: To search for uncompleted words, a «*» can be used as a placeholder at the beginning, the end or the beginning- and end of the word: «*building» or «re*» during the search for rebuilding. Use of «?» as a replacement for an individual character: You can search for words where individual characters are arbitrary, by using a «?» as a placeholder instead of a character: «SA?» searches for every word made of three letters and where the first two letters are «SA». The third character can be any letter. ×