Manage attribute definitions

Attribute definitions that you can use later for different data (resources, operations, permissions) are created and edited in the settings under "Attribute definitions".

Manage attribute definitions

Status of attribute definitions

When creating or editing, you have the option of defining the status of an attribute definition. A distinction is made between active and inactive. Active attribute definitions can be used in other data, inactive ones cannot. If an attribute definition that has already been used is deactivated again, the properties or rules defined for this attribute definition no longer have any influence. The attribute definition is marked as inactive in the corresponding data set (see illustration) but is not removed from the data set, i.e. when reactivated, the attribute definition and its function are available again in the usual way. Attribute definitions can also be deleted. However, this is only possible via the detail page and only if the attribute definition has not yet been used.

Name and description of attribute definitions

You can use the description to give the attribute definition a natural language name. This field can be maintained in several languages. In contrast, the name must have a unique designation, which is to be understood as a technical identification field.

Create attribute

Typs of definition

You have the following options when creating:

  • Attribute definition as trait

  • Attribute definition with single selection

  • Attribute definition with multiple selection

For detailed information, see the chapter Types of attribute definitions

Usage and purpose

In the field "Use" can be specified which roles allow to use the attribute definition. That is, a user having at least one of the specified roles is allowed to add / edit / remove an attribute with this attribute definition for an operation or a resource. The field "Purpose" specifies whether this attribute definition is applicable to operations or resources (or both).
