Import resources

As an alternative to creating new resources manually in the mobileX-ServicePlatform, you can also import human resources into the system via the Data import. In this way, several master data can also be imported at the same time. The import functions are available in the "Settings" in the "Resources" area via the burger menu next to the heading "Resource management".

Resource import

Then, the guided import opens where you can either download and fill in the XLSX/CSV templates provided there or directly upload your own file in the supported format for the data import. The system supports you with the correct selection and assignment of the data for the required format of the mobileX-ServicePlatform.

Import person

When importing resources, it is also possible to give them attributes via the "Attributes" column. The "Identifier" of the attributes is used for unique identification of the attributes during import.

For attributes of the type "Property" use the following syntax:


For attributes of the type "selection option" (single selection or multiple selection) use the following syntax:


Example XLS:

Attributes XLS